Friends of Te Horo Beach
Emergency Planning Meeting
There will be a Te Horo Beach community meeting to discuss community-led emergency planning. Renee Corlett from WREMO will help us begin the process of identifying what assets and resources we have available in our community in an emergency and to start building an emergency guide for the Beach Community. The meeting will be held at the Te Horo Hall, 6.45pm on Tuesday 3 October. Please RSVP to [email protected]
FOTHB have been granted funds from the Waikanae Community Board. We are now asking the Te
Horo Beach community for ideas and a wish list of items that FoTHB could look at funding. We’d
love to hear from you! Please email your ideas to us on [email protected].
The defibrillator has had new pads installed, and other perishable supplies have been replaced. It is
available 24/7. If you do need to use the defibrillator, please call 111 to get the unlock code and
follow the verbal instructions. If you notice any other issues, or have used the defibrillator, we
would be grateful if you’d let us know by email to Nikki at [email protected].
Emergency Preparedness
On Saturday 8th July the Te Horo Community Emergency Hub held a very successful combined
emergency preparedness exercise. The Te Horo Hub, located at the Te Horo Hall, is working with
WREMO (Wellington Region Emergency Organisation) to help update our Emergency Guide and to
make the whole Te Horo community more resilient. If anyone is interested in helping to develop a
Beach community resilience plan, please email us on [email protected].